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search in city: Cambridgeshire
Companies UK Companies in the state of Cambridgeshire
Cataloxy Cambridgeshire...Companies in CambridgeshireLeisure & TourismSports and leisure equipmentFishing and hunting equipmentStarfish Snorkeling Tours

Starfish Snorkeling Tours, Cambridgeshire

city Cambridgeshire

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Sombrero Reef Snorkeling Tours Aboard ‘The Starfish’

Starfish Marathon Snorkeling Tours we take you to the heart of the action on board a safe and spacious catamaran that offers comfort and total protection from the sun. We do not allow scuba gear or personal coolers on board our vessel during snorkeling excursions. The reason is because we want all of our guest to have the luxury of moving freely on the deck, without risk of stubbing their toes or taking a spill. Our full-deck covering allows everyone to remain protected from Florida’s unforgiving ultraviolet radiation.

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 Contact person: Tony Purcell
* When you call don't forget to inform that you've found the contact in Cataloxy
 Address: 1248 Overseas Hwy, Marathon, FL 33050
Cambridgeshire, Cambridgeshire

Starfish Snorkeling Tours on the map

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Starfish Snorkeling Tours in other states:

Channel Islands (2)
Channel Islands
Isle of Man (Isle of Man)
Isles of Scilly (Isles of Scilly)
Enniskillen (Co. Fermanagh)
Shetland (Shetland Isles)

Category of Starfish Snorkeling Tours:

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